Thursday, December 27, 2007


Bob is, I think, homeless. I see him on the same corner somewhat regularly, and I've seen him there for some time. I give him a few bucks whenever I can, but I always wave back to him when he waves. He's always waving at people in cars, whether they stop or not.

I've been seeing him for almost a year, and yesterday I stopped to say hi to him, introduce myself, and ask if I could photograph him.

He was terrific, but told me that he doesn't come around as much as he used to because he keeps getting ticketed by the Long Beach police. Drag.

If you're ever near the corner of 7th and PCH in Long Beach, see if you can spot him. And if you can, give him a few bucks. If you don't have a few bucks, give him a wave.


Rachel Schell said...

if I still lived down there I would drive over...

susan sabo photography said...

that would be cool, rachel